Are you looking how to have a successful online business? Try These 5 steps. You will accomplish your goal every time. We use them and they work.

Ever heard of John Maxwell, the motivational speaker? We went to one of his conferences. Oh My Goodness! What a simple plan! It’s so simple it works. The key is doing.

Five Steps To Successful Goal Achievement

“Follow these 5 steps and you can accomplish any goal you want in your life.” -John Maxwell

  1. Know what you want
  2. Use the right tools
  3. Stay focused
  4. Be consistent
  5. Stay with it until you have finished

The 5 Steps Applied To Our New Online Business

We took John Maxwell’s Goal Setting and Achieving Approach and applied them to our business as follows.

  1. Our ultimate goal is to make money from our new website
  2. The right tools to build our web-site are a site-builder, a keyword research tool, a blogger, social media accounts, Google analytics and Google webmaster tools.
  3. To stay focused we will use the affiliate marketing process from Learn Earn Wealthy Affiliate .
  4. To be consistent, we will repeatedly follow the process. No short cuts allowed.
  5. Our goal will be accomplished when we receive our first profit because we know other income will follow.

Initial Action With The Right Tools

Our goal will not be accomplished without tools; they make our action taking possible. Here is how we use them.

  • Decide on a domain name. We will use the Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool. This will help us select a name that has a good keyword quotient indicator (KQI). The KQI will help us to find a meaningful, easy to remember name that is not overly used, but has good search potential. We used the same tool when we created the new business site-name.
  • Buy a new domain name (website-name) using the Site Rubix Platform. This is perfect because this platform also does hosting with up time of 100%,  redundancy, technical support, SSL encryption which exceeds industry standards, Site Speed which eliminates the need for extra plugins; Spam Block which eliminates spam so our database is kept free from slow down and actually causing web-site trust issues.
  • Build the site using the new name. Actually the tool, Site Rubx, does the building of the data base, all pointers and connection to the WordPress editor. All we do is enter the name of our domain when prompted to do so and choose a WordPress theme. Our favorite Free theme is Hestia.
  • Add a few plugins such as All In One Seo Pack to improve the presence of our site in the search engines, Akismet, Enhanced Text, BackUpWordpress, ShortCoder to eliminate the need to retype text used multiple times, and WordPress Ping Optimizer to prevent the appearance of spamming when we update published pages multiple times when first creating them.
  • Create, add content, and publish 4 Basic pages using the WordPress editor: Home, About, Privacy Policy, and Contact.
  • Add social media icons to the site.
  • Create new accounts in Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools, the free tools to track the number of visitors to the new web-site.

Repeatable Activities Using A Consistent Process

  • Add new niche related content pages and blogs to the new domain. Use the Jaaxy keyword tool to find good SEO effective page names. The content will discuss the products, services using the Who, What, When Where, Solution, Benefit approach.
  • Monitor, collect email sign ups. Send emails to those who sign-up.
  • Add postings to social media accounts and respond to comments
  • Respond to web-site blog comments.
  • Monitor visitor count, page and post click through rate, bounce rate, Google page rank and keywords and phrases the site is ranking for.
  • Take action to improve the click through rate. If the click through rate is low review the tag line the search engine has given it. Determine if the page or post description (tag line) should be modified.
  • Take action to decrease the bounce rate. Add more meaningful content, add a video, pros and cons, questions and answers, and customer reviews.
  • Compare our website to the competition. Identify what makes us unique. Understand what significant information we are missing. Make appropriate changes.
  • Add more pages and posts related to the keywords and phrases the domain is ranking for.
  • As visitor traffic increases monetize the site. Sign up to become an affiliate marketer with a company selling related products. After acceptance by the marketing company, add affiliate product links to pages and posts where appropriate. Write new product reviews with affiliate product links. Until at least 50 visitors read our pages and posts it may be difficult to be accepted as a new affiliate; therefore we will make sure our visitor count is enough to get sales because many companies require a certain volume of product to be sold within a specified time period otherwise affiliate rejection will occur.

Success Achieved

  • Track our expenses. The cost of buying our domain name through Site Rubix costs  $14. To keep the domain name more than one year requires a yearly renewal fee of $14.

Initially we started as free-members and used our two free websites with hosting, support, security encryption, site speed , 30 searches using Jaaxy. No cost to us!

We became Premium members because we wanted full access to the program, tools, support and forum help. We knew full access would help us achieve our long term goals.  So our yearly fee as a Premium member is $299. We converted to the Black Friday Special Rate. With the Premium Membership we use the Site Rubix platform for buying, hosting, technical support, site backup, site speed, encryption, spam protection, using WordPress editor and Jaaxy, the keyword research tool plus access to additional training (live and written)  for the above process, plus community (forum) for site comments, questions and answers and other activities.

So our expenses for this one purchased domain-website Premium membership totals $313 for one year.

If you are a Free-member, you have no expenses.

  • Track the commissions received for sales.
  • As soon as our income exceeds $313 we make a net profit and achieve our goal.


The period of time required to achieve the above mentioned five steps varies. The average appears to be around six months. Start up for a new business takes a lot of effort, but it is certainly achievable when the steps are consistently and repeatedly followed. Performing each step becomes easier and faster as experience is gained. Likewise as the content of our domain-website increases so does the traffic and sales.

Applying John Maxwell’s Five Steps to achieve any goal you choose works. The secret lies in knowing what you want, the tools needed, the steps to perform, and then to consistently and repeatedly following them until the goal is reached.

Action Step

Do you want to build a successful online business?

We would like to help you achieve your goal.

We learned all of the above through the Wealthy -Affiliate-Platform where we received training, tools and support. We started with no experience. We have achieved many goals since then.

Our Offer

Sign up for access to the platform we use for web-site building, hosting, support, Jaaxy keyword Research, forum support and much more.

FREE access gives you 50 training lessons, two web-sites and personal help.

If you decide you want more training, tools and access to all of the features of the platform, you can become a Premium member. The cost of a yearly premium membership (during Black Friday Specials is $299; otherwise it is $369. Once you are a Premium member you can convert to the Black Friday Rate when the next Black Friday event occurs in November).

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. No credit card is required. No invoice is created. No financial information is requested. The Sign-up does not have a time-limit trial period. You can be a free-member for life if you so choose. You will only need to provide a real name, a user name and a password to sign-up. The system needs to make sure all sign-ups are unique.

How Hungry Are You To Achieve Your Goal Of A Successful Online Business?

We want to help you reach your goal. Will you give us the opportunity to help you become successful online?