We Like Learn Earn Wealthy Affiliate

About Us At Learn Earn Wealthy Affiliate

Learn Earn Wealthy Affiliate is something we truly enjoy.  Providing information about our experience with this program and its products brings us great joy.

We are so grateful we found Wealthy Affiliate For Online Affiliate Marketing. It has opened up many new opportunities for us.

Our Story – The JGH Webbrand Story

Over eight years ago we lost our company job. Financially it was a disaster for us. We tried to find employment; however our skills did not match what was available. So we began looking for something we could do from our home.

We spent a lot of time looking and hoping to find something suitable for us. There were programs charging over $1,000 dollars for an initial investment. We did not have money to spend like that. Even worse yet, we were not confident if we spent that much money we would make that much in return and more. So we kept looking.

One day we found an online opportunity that said we could join for FREE and try the program out. So we cleared our schedule and plunged into the program to see what we could do in one week. To our delight. This was the program for us. They had excellent training both written and video. We could create two free websites to apply the training and video instruction. The planned worked for us and the rest is history.

Our Learn Earn Wealthy Affiliate Experience

We love what we are doing. For over eight years we have been making money online (we started out with the entirely free program,. Then we became Premium members for $300 a year so we have access to the entire program. So far we have over 40 websites making money for us.

Initially we did not know anything about making money online. In fact, when we started over 8 years ago, the Wealthy Affiliate training and videos were not as numerous as they are now. There was no Live Chat and the applications used to create websites was not as user friendly. However, we had the determination to make it work and today we can say IT DOES WORK!

Sharing Our Experiences

Like you, we encounter life challenges. We have learned to use those challenges as opportunities to help other people by sharing our experiences online. Many times our challenges come from products we use. We do not buy anything until we have researched products thoroughly. Rather than discard our research, we have discovered it is a great resource to share with others. This is how we learned that creating a website for these products not only gave us the opportunity to share our experiences but also provided a means for us to became Affiliate Marketers, to provide buy links for visitors to our sites, and earn a commission.

Our Wish For You

We trust the information provided on Learn Earn Wealthy Affiliate will motivate you to also sign up for FREE and learn how to make money online.

A Bright Future

The internet is here to stay. Shopping online is growing exponentially. Opportunity abounds.

Enjoy your online journey.
Make it exciting!
Try something new!

Share what you learn with others!

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