Want To Become A Successful Affiliate Marketer? We Use The Best Free Affiliate Marketing Training. This Online Affiliate Training Leads To Success. See It FREE.
What Is Affiliate Marketing Training?
Affiliate Marketing Training is information teaching you how to become an affiliate marketer. An affiliate is someone who markets a product for another company and gets a commission for doing so. Marketing another companies’ product requires skill thus learning how to successfully market products requires training.
Training can occur online by means of a downloadable PDF document, video, or seminar. The most successful training is that which occurs online via video because learning by seeing and hearing is more easily comprehended.
Free Affiliate Marketing Training Resources
Affiliate training requires more than just seeing and hearing a video or reading a guide. Training requires resources to do it. The following resources enable a marketer to consistently be successful.
1) Keyword Research tool
2) Blog Website Builder
3) Website Content Writing
4) Website Support
5) Affiliate Programs
Keyword Research Tool With SEO
Online product options are almost unlimited. Amazon shopping alone shows thousands of products. So it is important to choose a product that has low competition, high search volume and good SEO ranking. The quickest and best way to find this is by using a keyword research tool that also gives the SEO score.
Our favorite keyword research tool with SEO ranking is Jaaxy.
How To Use Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool
1) Let’s say we choose the product ‘Cappuccino Machine’. There are several brands and models on Amazon. Searching on ‘Cappuccino Machine’ using Jaaxy we see there are 7,306 searches a month and if we ranked on page one in google we could expect 1243 visitors. Sounds great right? Wouldn’t it be great to get over one thousand potential buyers a month?
2) Check the competition. There are 98 (QSR) other marketers or online stores seeking to get profit from this product. Sounds like a lot, right? Let’s see the keyword strength and the SEO score. Ah! The keyword strength is go ahead (Green) and the SEO is 81. Not bad.
3) Now let’s check our competitive websites. Oh! Not bad! The first and fourth ranked website are not online stores. This would be a good opportunity.
Try Jaaxy FREE!Sign up to try It FREE!
Blog Website Builder
A blog website requires a theme, data base manager and host. Our favorite One Stop Shop blog website builder platform is Site Rubix.
How To Use Site Rubix Website Builder
1) Choose a blog website name. Preferably the name should include the keyword (niche) idea. Keep the name short with no hyphens. Jaaxy can be of help to choose a name with high keyword SEO opportunity.
2) Choose a Word Press theme. The Word Press themes available on Site Rubix are FREE. Twenty Seventeen is the most recent Word Press Theme. We used it for our LearnEarnWealthyAffiliate.FIndOutMoreQuickly Website.3) Let Site Rubix do the behind the scenes website building.
Here is how easy website creation is.
You can sign up for FREE to Create TWO FREE blog websites.
Website Content Writing
The content of the website should be based on the focus of the website name which should include the keyword from the product (niche) of interest.
For this website we chose “Learn Earn Wealthy Affiliate” because our keyword is Affiliate. We want to show others how they can become wealthy affiliates. So the content of our website is dedicated to “affiliate”.
The website content writer we use is the one provided on the Wealthy Affiliate Platform.
How the Site Content Builder Works
Website Support
Website support is extremely important for website ranking in search engines. Website downtime results in search engine and visitor mistrust which decreases the number of visits to a site. As the design and size of websites increase, technical issues may occur; therefore 24 x 7 x 365 support becomes crucial.
We recommend Wealthy Affiliate Support because it offers redundancy which ensures 100% up time, 24 x 7 x 365 technical support with issue resolution within 10 minutes, a community Question And Answer Forum, Live Chat available 24 x 7 x 365 because the community membership is worldwide, and Private Messaging to any member of the community.
Affiliate Programs
Currently there are more than 500 Affiliate Programs. The quickest way to find an Affiliate Program is to type the following in Google Search: Your keyword: Affiliate Program.
Many Affiliate programs are also offered by online stores which carry multiple products such as Amazon, Ebay, Etsy, Shopify, Rakuten, Wayfair, and many more.
Each affiliate program provides their sign up process, commission structure, amount of sales required to stay active, and tools available for linking to their products. Amazon is by far the most elaborate, worldwide, well-built, easy to use affiliate program.
How To Be A Successful Affiliate Marketer With The Best Training
The following nine steps will lead to your success.
1) Choose your products wisely. Choose something you have a committed interest in, know something about or are willing to learn about.
2) Check the competition using a keyword research tool.
3) Name your website by including the keyword.
4) Build your website. Choose an attractive mobile friendly Word Press Theme.
5) Write quality content. Keep writing and adding content to your website.
6) Monitor the traffic to your website using Google Analytics or a similar tool.
7) Look for new products related to your keyword. Be one of the first to write about it.
8) Join a well-rounded, well-supported training program offering tools for support and a community to answer questions.
9) Be committed. Learn from a good training program. Keep repeating what you learn. Success does not happen overnight. Hang in there. Be a part of an online marketing community that offers encouragement and congratulates success.
10) Be cautious when presented with Get Rich Quick Schemes. They are scams. There is no such thing as Get Rich Quick.
Our Recommended Affiliate Training Program
We recommend Wealthy Affiliate. They offer worldwide training, tools and support. Starter membership is FREE so you have a chance to look around and become familiar with their program. If you decided to become a Premium Member the cost is very reasonable compared to other programs and the training, tools and support far surpass other programs.
Summary of the Wealthy Affiliate Training Program
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